Monday, February 06, 2023

Chinese C-drama --Nirvana in Fire--police procedural Generally I don't like plot-dependent murder mysteries but this one Nirvana in Fire is beautifully written and cast-- based on novel by Hai Yan, script (difft) also written by Hai Yan-- featuring the actor with the beautiful sensitive face and hands Hu Ge? and best, the little boy his bodyguard who fights 10 assassins with his bare hands and goes flying through the air, and eats sour green plums? 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. Of course you shld start from ep 1-- also the dubbing, and/or sub titles are pretty good. I think it's more fiction and wire kungfu than real historical fiction but fact is boring and so depressing, right? I can't figure out why Turandot-like princess disappears but Prince Jing is nice. The cuts between scenes go very fast as the Advisor is advising in real time, so it's like what he advises has already happened. Female skeletons in a well, a brothel where a murder takes place etc. I think in the end the princes will kill each other and Prince J will become king, but I am not sure if Princess Nihuang will marry Jing or the Advisor, who didn't get the wolf girl in Sounds of the Desert either. Hu Ge played a man in a wheel chair on a camel on the Silk Route in the Gansu Corridor, in that series. In that movie Eddie Peng played General Hu Quobing who in real life Han Dynasty was king's male lover and died on battlefield fighting the Xiongnu (Huns). That novelist said she wrote it to extend HQ's life, which makes sense to me at least. We'll see. kmkaung 2-5-2023

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--