Friday, February 03, 2023

My Take--what they are doing now

"Cleaning the Augean Stables" was a favorite of Aung Gyi during the first caretaker gov. in Burma, of course depicting themselves as Hercules.

Time has shown they are wrong.  At that time they closed visas to one or two weeks each.

Now they are closing passport offices so people can't leave.

The power holders have withdrawn to their "last fortress" NPT.

Martial law is imposed on 37 villages in Resistance Strongholds.

Once country is closed off, they will step up air strikes even further.

Both sides are in do or die mode.

The sad thing is many people will die horrible deaths.

--   2-3-2023

Augean stable most often appears in the phrase "clean the Augean stable," which usually means "clear away corruption" or "perform a large and unpleasant task that has long called for attention." Augeas, the mythical king of Elis, kept great stables that held 3,000 oxen and had not been cleaned for thirty years - until ...

Augean stable Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster


Judge orders Trump admin to preserve Signal chat-report back Monday.