Thursday, November 07, 2024

Books set in Bhutan--including by Dr Michael Aris

We know him as the husband of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi--
My friend, with a Ph.D. in Tibetan Sacred Music--knew him as a Tibetologist.
Dr. Alice Egyed was one of those I interviewed when Dr. Aris passed away. I did it under severe job harassment at RFA. I locked the mini-studio door.
Honey Voice Treacle made a phone call to me--going "Hello,hello?"
I hung up.
At least 2 Burmese women have told me "Well, If I met someone like Dr.Aris, well of course I would marry him."
Some have annoyed me mightily--asking "Is he still alive?"
"Who?" She meant my estranged husband, Burmese. Only one.
(A friend was married 4 times.)
This as I was about to undergo a cataract operation.
Or--"What's your religion?" on first meeting me, in a Thai 3 wheeler taxi called a TukTuk.
To stump these I say "Buddhist-Christian."
I'm too polite to tell ppl to eff off. "Boring" as they say in the C-dramas.
Books for the Road: Bhutan — Traverse Journeys - Travel That Transforms

Dow futures drop more than 450 points