Sunday, November 24, 2024

Kaung--Poem--Bama Pyay taw, yay set cha like-taw--As for Burma, pour the water of donation --you might as well

cut your ties with it
What you thought of as
your homeland
Is not your home anymore
nor is it your land.
Your earth is in some 20 flower pots
your home is your 750 sqaure foot condo
your memories are in your head, which has
increasing grey matter
helped along by B 12 and D3
no pret has so far jumped down your throat
as you fell asleep under a banyan tree
Your ideal lover and life partner
Is waiting for you
Every night in your unmade bed
between the covers
Of books you wrote yourself
variously named, Gregory
Aditya, Jason, maybe Aiden, upcoming
For surnames, I look at maps.
Kronstadt is one.
I no longer feel like speaking or reading Burmese
let alone writing
the way I don't like gems
mined with
so much blood.
Kyi May Kaung
Blood on Stairs--stock photo.
Shwedagone Pagoda and "Older Brother"--scale model built before. *

Wllie Nelson--You don't know me.