Wednesday, October 31, 2012

While filing "asst labor minister" I found this again - Kim IL Sung walked at 3 weeks. Poem found by Kyi May Kaung on Anderson Copper 360 Interview of Laura Ling and Lisa Ling on death of Kim Jung Il of N. Korea by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Accessed 12-21-2011 The late dear departed. . . . The grieving, as you'd imagine, is intense for a leader they had been told first walked at three weeks of age, talked at two months and authored -- not read, but authored 1500 books while in college. . . . They, like most North Koreans, not likely aware their fallen ruler scarfed lobster and swilled fine cognac while an estimated million ordinary North Koreans starved to death during the famine his economic policies created. . . . When Kim Il-Sung died, North Koreans were told -- and they apparently believe this -- that a thousand white cranes tried to carry him off to heaven but were prevented from doing so by the pull of his devoted followers. Added by KMK: What do these 3 little dots mean? They mean that there’s something in between. End found poem.

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--