Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Writing Process - # 1

Frustrated by the snail-like slowness of Burmese exile media, who can't keep up with the activists, I decided to try journal-style blogging like my friend now in Bacalod, Kanlaon. So the process on the windows outside is coming along - the sounds now of hammering to fix what we called in Burma - kyauk pone yaik te - i.e. making the wood molds to hold the cement in. The sucking sounds were either cement being pumped into the molds or the window sills outside being vacuumed with a giant vacuum - sshlock, schlump. I've written to the magazine and university that owe me some money for honorariums. I've re-applied to display ads on this blog. Since September when Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's DC visit caused me to go out, and see old friends again, I've gone around seeing said old friends - gone to a Baptist church, gotten armloads of dahlias and shasta daisies from N's garden, plumbed the depths of Ai Weiwei's philosophical, political and activist mind at the Hirschorn and seen Lincoln ads. and quotes for the upcoming film with Daniel Day Lewis on the DC metro - and wow, does he look like Lincoln. No doubt will sound like Abe and walk like Abe too. Daniel Day Lewis is of course the son of the Narnia author, British theologian C.S. Lewis, a contemporary of Tolkien. DDL is a brilliant actor, scary in his brilliance. If you don't believe me, go see There Will Be Blood. Like Silence of the Lambs, it scared me just to read the script. I have seen the movie, There will be blood. Not going to see Silence ever though. Well, the dental work and drilling on the building facade starteth, and so I am decamping for the movie theater to see Argo. How fortunate to live within walking distance of a movie theater. Ciao for now.

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--