Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Burmese hungry ghost discussion from my Facebook

Made me hungry looking at all the pics of good Burmese food.
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  • Myo Nyunt We are hungry ghosts, Kyi May.
  • Kyi May Kaung Posted below - scroll down further - Photos and cooking by Cho Kha - thank you. Yes, hungry ghosts - now is about the time of the Chinese ghost festival - thasaygyi shi khoe - see all the rites and superstitions in Lisa See's excellent Peony in Love - I never knew you would be a wandering hungry ghost if you got no closure and this was due to your ancestral tablet being undotted (i.e. without a full stop! -- lovely concept) - and therefore destined to wander hungry forever - All those foodies who check this page should read See's book. It is Amazing how she combines Chinese cultural history with the voice of the poor ghost -
  • Kyi May Kaung What I like about FB is 1. very democratic 2. your discussions give me many fiction ideas for writing.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
