Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Quote of the day - from Elie Kedourie on nationalism and racism -

Quote of the Day - from renowned Iraqi-born political scientist - the late Elie Kedourie  - "There is a fine line between nationalism and racism."

Actually Kedourie was an Iraqui Jew who taught pol. sci. in London -

When I posted this quote in Irrawaddy some years ago, all the jumping jack macho Burmese men said they did not understand -

Well, you don't understand at your own peril. 

Wait till your house is burned because your skin is polka dot and you worship trees, while majority worships clouds -and has zebra striped skin -

By the way, a great way to understand life, politics, religion etc. is to read George R.R. Martin's The Song of Ice and Fire series - now it is on HBO - but I prefer the books.

Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D.)

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online