Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's going from the frying pan to the fire in Burma with regard to "the Muslim Issue"

It's going from the frying pan to the fire, as regards Burmese military government and their invented "Muslim issue."

First the fundamentalist monk is allowed to "draft a law" that says Buddhist women must seek permission to marry Muslims, and if they don't they can be arrested and their property taken - about the only voice speaking up here is Zin Mar Aung -

and now (see below) 2 Muslim women arrested and sentenced to 2 years each for "sparking violence"

and we hear no outright condemnations of so called reformist govt.

It's getting worse than Iran's morality police - men and women patting down veiled women -

if this "monk" is allowed to go on - I can see their trick monkey playing tricks on them soon (thu to hmyauk te myauk, thu to pyan chauk)

one can only surmise that under that deadpan "reformist" face resides an awful racist, sexist mind set.

And to think that so many religions have lived side by side in South and SE Asia for so long - thousands of years.

In 1978, when I read in Time magazine while I was still in Burma that Khomeini had come into power, I realized right away that Iran would slip back into the middle ages.

Burma will be the same - just material wealth with no justice, no human rights will be even worse.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online