Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How irrelevant all this stuff is - not the first time I commented on sorry state of Burma Studies

How irrelevant all this stuff is -

Marie Lall has been characterized by a committed Burma Watcher as "the most terrible person (and sycophant) I ever met" and the linguists, unlike Noam Chomsky - are largely in their own world.

This is the major problem with Burma studies today - Josef Silverstein in 2002 said "Not another study that counts the number of stitches per square inch in a piece of quilting" - He said this at an AAS seminar in DC to honor his lifetime achievement in Burma Studies.

I do respect Justin and Magnus - but conclusion has to be "not worth reading this issue of Journal of Burma Studies" unless I am looking for references for fiction about head hunters.


attachment copy follows -

June 11, 2013

TOC Journal of Burma Studies - volume 17, issue 1, now available online
From: "Eunice Low Soe Ching,

The Table of Contents for The Journal of Burma Studies Volume 17 Number 1
(June 2013) is below. The Journal is now available online through
university libraries that subscribe to Project MUSE (most North American
universities do). NUS Press publishes this Journal on behalf of the Center
for Burma Studies at Northern Illinois University.

Eunice Low

NUS Press
National University of Singapore


       Special Section on the Wa
         Introduction to Wa Studies
         Magnus Fiskesjö

         A Themed Selection of Wa Proverbs and Sayings
         Justin Watkins

         Phonological Outline of the Vo Dialect
         Atsushi Yamada

         Clustered Communities and Transportation Routes: The Wa Lands
Neighboring the Lahu and the Dai on the Frontier
         Jianxiong Ma

         To Be at One with Drums: Social Order and Headhunting among the
Wa of China
         Bernard Formoso

         The Wa Authority and Good Governance, 1989-2007
         Ronald D. Renard

Myanmar: The 2011 Elections and Political Participation
Marie Lall and Hla Hla Win

Scholarly Curiosities
An Ethnographic Illustration of Wa People in British Burma during the
Early 20th Century: Notes on a Shan Album from the NIU Burma Collection,
with Reference to Similar Illustrations from Other Sources
Catherine Raymond

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
