Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Discussion on Elie Kedourie and (Arab) nationalism - from my Facebook page

From Wikiepedia on Elie Kedourie -

"Kedourie was critical of Marxist interpretations of history and of nationalism, which he described as 'anti-individualist, despotic, racist, and violent'. He claimed they had turned the Middle East into 'a wilderness of tigers'."
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  • Joseph Allchin what was his alternative to Arab nationalism? Interesting stuff with regards the current strife
  • Kyi May Kaung Hi Joseph - I have not read where Kedourie suggested alternatives, but by the fact that he left the Middle East entirely, and lived and worked in UK (he went to LSE after Oxford did not give him a Ph.D. - see wiki above) I would say he liked liberal democracy and a secular system - My favorite professor for instance (I don't want to mention him by name) has no religion as far as I know, but remains the most ethical person I know - and I have known him abt 50 years now - My own parents were secular and so am I - maybe you will find the answer in Irshad's Head to Head intv above with Al Jazeera - That said, I am happy with all your responses to the Kedourie quote - which means I chose my friends wisely on FB - I would not wish to waste my time talking to bigots.

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