Thursday, June 27, 2013

My water convolvulas sprouteth - from my Facebook page -

Whoa whoa whoa -

My water convolvulas (ka zun ywet) is sprouting -

A week ago I bought a big bunch from an Asian grocery - I don't know how much a small bunch is now in kyat - but this was maybe $1.50? and about the equivalent ten Burmese bunches.  :)

I cooked it three ways and put the stems in a glass that came with my Mother's Day Roses - now after a few days roots and little sprouts are out -

I was inspired by my Karen friend who made a fake bog with pool liner to plant it in Pennsylvania, in the summer of course.

Now I put some soil in a glass jug that I can't use anymore as the rim is chipped - and I will make a bog in a plastic basin from the time when I had a terrible medical emergency 20 years ago and was bleeding in my gut.

I read about a woman whose son built her a house, where she continues her own 19th century life style, keeping chickens and making her own candles!

I tried making my own mango pickle but it does/did not work - The only green mangoes I found - and I only see them if I am lucky every year or 2 or 3 years in the Southern State, are either too old ( a se shet thwar pyee) or the wrong type -  They have big Gs soft-penned on the skin -

anyway, it did not work, the skin is too thick and like leather - so now I am going to try green "ripe" mangoes.

The first trial this summer, the Residency co-director threw them out, as the mangoes went bad as I could not put them in the sun, as it rained three days in a row.

Imagine, in Burma my grandmother made 300 at a time -

now I can't even make 3.  Of course she had 3 people at least helping her, and "made it with her mouth and money."  This grandmother had plenty of money, but not much honey.

About the woman with chickens - she planted water lilies in an old chamber pot.

So that's why I am trying with the ka zun ywet.

Stay tuned, more later.

Copyright Kyi May Kaung.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online