Saturday, April 26, 2014

From Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is excellent--here's an excerpt fr the climax of the story--p. 123

The house was silent. 
Montag approached from the rear  .  .  . 
"Mrs. Black, are you asleep in there," he thought.  This is not good but your husband did it to others and never asked and never worried.  And now since you are a fireman's wife, it's your house and your turn, for all the houses your husband burned and the people he hurt without thinking.
.  .  .
He hid the books in the kitchen  .  .  .

.  .  . he phoned (in) the alarm at a lonely phone booth  .  .  .

Then he stood in the cold night air, waiting  .  .  .
Good night, Mrs. Black, he thought.

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--