Thursday, April 24, 2014

Market or real prices, my Black Rice phenomenon--

Market or real prices.

My Black Rice phenomenon.

I haven't sold that many copies, and as it's POD (Print on Demand) there aren't that many copies out there.

The Kindle editions (of almost everything, not just my books) are controlled as to electronic shares, though some authors opt to give out copies free.

Anyway, a curious thing is, whenever I look at my Black Rice page, I find more and more used copies on sale, and the price of the used copies are higher than the list price of new books.

Now, I am certainly not the one buying and then reselling.  I don't even know how to do it and don't think it's worth the trouble, and like art, the original creator does not benefit.

But for a maybe very good reason, such as the quality of the goods, and I stand by my products, it must be being considered a collector's item.

It's very strange as it's only been out  a year.

I actually had to raise my list price in response.

It may be due to there being a small supply out there, and only available on line, as again it's POD.  NOT "pay on delivery"

Anyway, as the market test is the best test, why should I complain.

It is worth $10 if it remains a true gem forever.

BTW, I only autographed one copy for a special friend, she knows who she is, and that's the only copy I ever signed.

I hope my other gems also will sell well and become instant classics.

Like Paul Bowles' The Delicate Prey.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online