Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My interview of the late poet Tin Moe and translations of some of his poems

Tra la tra la tra la--here comes Htee Ka Lay ne Ma Ni.

Miss Red with the (red) umbrella.

I once dressed all in red at that radio station from hell, but already struggling when Burma Debate commissioned me, for a small sum, to translate these poems and this interview I did of U Tin Moe, that was originally broadcast in Burmese.

And somewhere there's a video (not the same as the broadcast piece) that my friend made (hint hint--do look for it)--in my apt,  when U TM's cheroot popped out of his mouth and fell on my carpet, and my friend Khin May Zaw scrambled around to look for it.

Good thing is did not cause a fire among my dear books.

Kyi May Kaung  4-22-2014

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--
