Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Pl follow me at Kyi Kaung@KyiKaung

already events move too fast--

On Twitter, I have more links.

Thanks for following me here.

I only post longer posts here.

Sorry, but it is 3 AM and I have a lot of work.



Chesnut roses at Boone Plantation, near Charleston, South Carolina.

Photo copyright K.M Kaung.

Today is Valentine's Day, and I suppose I just got a great present in the form of Flynn resignation--thanks to all Resisters, Free Press, Intelligence Community, et al.

Thank you for restoring my belief in Democracy.


What trump does is he stirs up people to be panicked, then he works through executive orders--Dems short comings are they work through legal

channels, whilehe stretches the limits--and tries to undermine the system.