Kllynne Conwy:Th on Medicaid wh will lose health insunce can get jobs http://cnb.cx/2tL4PRS
latest Let them eat cake remark fr Missy Poo.
In Lofty Versailles Speech, Macron Tells the French to Prepare for Change https://nyti.ms/2uDaRnk
Macron much much better than DJT
Counseled by Industry, Not Staff, E.P.A. Chief Is Off to a Blazing Start
Federal court blocks Trump EPA on air pollution
Trump to promote U.S. natgas exports in Russia's backyard http://reut.rs/2tjniVQ via @Reuters
Trump’s Voter Suppression Efforts Have Begun
41 states have refused request for voter info @CNNPolitics
Russia Probe Accelerates as Divided House Panel Plans Interviews http://a.msn.com/01/en-us/BBDGLS6?ocid=st …