Thursday, September 28, 2017

quote of the day--from Rachel Maddow--"Only if your name is Trump will your legal bills be paid by Other People's Money--by Republican National Convention-- if you ever bought a $40 make

America great again hat--" Quote is not verbatim, collage of things Maddow has said on her program. The couple had the gall to try and sell those hats on their first Hurricane Harvey trip. On 2nd trip clown told people who were in shelter, "Thanks for coming." Now he says he's good at cutting taxes (for the very rich). As soon as the bleating bragging voice comes on, I turn it off. Wish he wld just join Helfner in hell. Even Hefner was "better" than this guy. besides, H. was not US Presdt. 9-28-2017

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online