Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Deteriorating Pwintbyu Monastery in Magwe, Burma - in Burmese - The presiding monk said when the main section, built a few years after the death of Burma's penultimate king, Mindon, fell down, many teak bas reliefs were lost and on account of that he was arrested. However, he asked for help and now has one donor - but obviously that is not enough. On the Asia Society blog site - 18th century Ayuthia ruins are among the 10 most endangered - due to "inadequate management and weather -" such as floods. However, I have traveled extensively and intensively in ancient sites in SE Asia and I think the most endangered are inside Burma where looting, mismanagement, even assigning 10th century monuments in Bagan (Pagan) for "repair" -- according to my source for "legitimated looting"by "donors",and "normal" wear and tear, are the worst. In Thailand, the Thai Department of Fine Arts does a great job, as some of these photos below show. Kyi May Kaung - 10-17-2012
Buddha back view Sukohotai - photo Copyright Kyi May Kaung
Khmer style prang Sukhothai - photo copyright Kyi May Kaung
Wat Chedi Theo - Sri Sat Chanalai - Thailand - Photo copyright Kyi May Kaung.

How trump's Ukraine aid halt affects US defense (arms) industry.