Friday, October 10, 2014

In Memory of Dr. (Prof.) Aye Hlaing--Economist

Economic Historian, Applied Economist, Prof. of the Economics Department, Rector of the Institute of Economics Rangoon, after 1973, Chairman of the Union Bank of Burma--

--reading the essays for the memorial edition, I added this as a footnote--

In class, Saya Aye Hlaing had a rapid fire gunshot style, with questions going around at the speed of light, in random sequence.  He often ignored me sitting up straight with my hand up and looking at him, but would hone in on someone trying to hide, who obviously did not know the answer.  I remember one session on Balance of Payments and Unrequited Payments.  As my dear classmate MMK struggled to find the answer, Saya said gruffly, “Stop beating around the bush.  Get to the point.  Did you never hear of unrequited love?”  Of course, it was all put on, he was in truth the kindest of humans and he did want us to learn so much.  RIP dear Saya, or maybe I should say "shoot them all."  KMKaung 10-10-2014


Trump withdraws Stefanik's nomination as UN Ambassador.