Friday, October 03, 2014

Reza Aslan on CNN confirmed that FGM, as in my novella, "Is an African problem not an Islamic one"

Reza Aslan mentioned extremist monks in Myanmar--Good for him he did not let himself be brow beaten by these fast talking generalizing journalists.

He also said FGM or female genital mutilation is not an Islamic problem, it's an African problem, and Eritrea and Ethiopia where most of it happens are predominantly Christian countries.

So I am so proud of my novella FGM which got it absolutely right--the character who is a medical doctor (gynecologist) in my story is from Ethiopia and so are the victims.

The family which she suspects of having incest between the father and the daughter are from Malaysia.  (I did not say that there is FGM in Malaysia, there is not.)

Buy my story here--

FGM—Kindle edition
FGM: A Story about the Mutilation of Women.
Dr. Aset, a trained gynecologist with several post graduate American degrees, lets herself be drawn into an inappropriate

My novella FGM is now available on Kindle--

there is also a print edition on the CreateSpace/Amazon store.

Vances' Greenland trip--avoiding protestors--