Milan Kundera quote--
Quote of the day--
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Milan Kundera > Quotes > Quotable Quote
Milan Kundera
“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting”
― Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
1. Depayin Massacre site--May 30 2003.
2. Depayin demonstration 2015
3. -5Death of Japanese journalist Kenju Nagaii, shot point blank in Rangoon, the photographer (not Burmese) later won a prize. 2007 Sept.
6. Ko Par Gyi remains exhumed--his wife had to fight for it.
7. Ko Par Gyi, journalist, died under extreme torture--11-2014
8 Ma Thandar, Ko Par Gyi's widow--
All images from Internet.
Many people, thousands, have died for freedom in Burma--
The least we can do is not to forget.
Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online