Sunday, March 10, 2013

Comment left on Irrawaddy blog - ref - Chef fit for The Lady -

Something Daw Suu could not or would not eat - filet mignon at Clydes - photo copyright Kaung.

Silly "andamanonege" -- you don't know anything about Burma - chef just means "cook" - 
cooking and food in Burma involves so much labor, and a political prisoner under house arrest cannot just buy and eat from a restaurant - the military forbade the companions from going to market or going out at all - there was even a problem when one of the two women - a mother-daughter team, had a medical emergency and needed an operation.

If you know nothing why don't you keep your mouth shut.  The military tried many times to kill her, and almost did - poison would have been lovely for them because they could say she just had food poisoning -

even now she is not completely safe - and there are still thousands of political prisoners.

Dear Cook or Chef - thank you for keeping Our Lady alive and healthy and may you cook many many more meals for everyone - Congrats on your book.

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--