Sunday, March 24, 2013

Quick take - on Meikhtila crisis -

Meikhtila - UN's V.J. Nambiar says he saw no mutual hatred between Muslims and Buddhists -

Daw Suu says security forces don't know how to handle crowds (?) - "in past just handled by shooting -"

The question is

1.  Then why is this happening if there is no bedrock of mutual hate.

2.  Why are they asking Daw Suu when they should be asking U Thein Sein?

Daw Suu understandably rambles as she tries to say something meaningful that won't hurt anybody -

meanwhile junta too is saying there are elements behind the unrest.

Kyi May Kaung -

see -

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online