Monday, March 04, 2013

K.M. Kaung's comment on - Dr Sean Turnell appointed Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's economic advisor -

 Photo - sending Chinese money to the dead - photo copyright K.M.Kaung.

This is very good - congratulations Sean. 
His name is spelled "Sean" and pronounced "Shawn" - I am on the board of his Burma Economic Watch at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.
Daw Suu could not choose a better adviser. 
I and others first met Sean in 2002 at a Burma Studies conference in Gutenberg, Sweden. Sean had by then already been watching Burma professionally for many years. He knew so much about Burmese money and banking, I thought he had got special permission and gone to Burma and gotten the government's statistics. 
However, he had not gone at that time.
We all should note Daw Suu is not the government, nor the finance minister, and so whatever good advice she and Sean give, for instance, print less money, reduce the military budget, it is doubtful Thein Sein's govt will comply, in fact they have already raised military spending - so --
I am sorry to say this - but don't expect any real change from this excellent move.  The military government should change.
Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D.) 
Comment left on Ko Nyo's Face Book page. 
PS.  I forgot to mention on Ko Nyo's page that Dr. Sean Turnell was the author of the money and banking portion of the Plan for Democracy and Development for Burma, that I coordinated for the Exile Government in 2010

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online