Monday, March 11, 2013

Need to vent - Editors are Anal -

Need to vent -

Editors are Anal - reminds me of a certain Honeyvoice Loh who never made the flower arrangements herself, but always thought it necessary to move the branches about a bit - to make it "better". 

I should have told her to uplift her breasts surgically and to correct the downward droop of her eyes on the sides.

It's like the Emperor who told Mozart his music had too many notes - I feel like Jackson Pollack who reacted to a comment - by saying "You want more blue?  OK, is this enough blue?" and squirting blue out of a tube onto his painting.

Modigliani once changed a woman's jacket from red to gold, and she did not buy the painting.

Today it is world famous - There - vent out.  Feel a lot better.

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--