I've found suddenly that what is wrong with me is I am addicted to books or to the story.
That's why I like to travel with a book, so that the story continues as I travel, through a snowstorm and being stuck at the train station.
It is not half so bad if you are reading Little Dorrit.
Before my Christmas vacation ended, I was very careful to order George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series, or is it Fire and Ice - never get it and too much to get up and look - so that I had a book/s on the ready when I got home.
This is the same as stocking my frig, putting all the cooked foods, even the milk into the freezer and making my bed, so when I return I can set my luggage by the door and go straight to sleep.
It isn't so bad now that I don't travel overseas anymore.
I am becoming a bit like my chain smoking ex bro in law used to be, lighting one cigarette from the butt end of the last, no need for lighters and matches.
When I had a gap for the last three days, I got the jitters - I had jettisoned my TV inherited from my kids, and cancelled Comcast, think how much time and money I am saving, but it was hard reading "How to market using Twitter", as after-dinner reading material - I felt as if I was still doing my course work for my MA and Ph.D. courses at Penn.
But my economics background did allow me to zip through the charts in Twitter marketing, no problem at all, and I even read a bit of Nouriel Roubini's recommendations for the international monetary system.
BTW, the Twitter marketing book says how you become a leader is by posting original content that readers can't find anywhere else.
I looked at all the paintings and sketches on artist Nay Myo Say's site, but I could not friend him as his site was maxed out.
So I have to go downstairs to put more money in my laundry card etc.
And there's a package notice, but the desk people never called me -
The package is soo big -
I open it at once. At $13 something, it's a good deal for a used hard cover, but hard to hold up when reading lying down - who wants to read fiction at the dining table or the work desk?
This is Dances with Dragons, the 5th in his series. I did not like #4 much, I skipped all the Dorne chapters - the characters did not appeal to me at all, except for Jaime, now with a golden hand and the mannish knight Brienne. I think Brienne got killed and I wish she weren't. I wish he did not make Arya go -- (spoiler)
The shape-shifting, humans becoming animals, birds etc is quite like Buddhism, but why did Martin say - "his new life" instead of "his 10th life"?
This is a test to see if anyone reads this if I post it on my Face Book page.
We'll see.
Kyi May Kaung.
Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--