Friday, March 22, 2013

Harn Yawngwe's Euro-Burma office says there is a genocide of Rwanda proportions going on in Burma -

via Maung Zarni --

 Rohingya home burning - file photo from Arakan last year.

cut and paste follows -

Harn is younger brother of late Eugene Yawngwe - Nyaungshwe Sawbwa's family -


--- On Fri, 3/22/13,  wrote:

> From:
> Subject: Rwanda-like genocide of Burmese Muslims is unfolding in Burma, according to Harn Yawnghwe's Euro-Burma Office based in Rangoon,
> To:
> Date: Friday, March 22, 2013, 10:39 AM
> from:
> According to Harn Yawnghwe's Euro-Burma Office, the
> "Rwanda-like
> genocide" of Muslims is unfolding in Burma.
> I will be the last to defend the NLD on its leadership and
> organizational failure.  But the ultimate
> responsibility to protect
> all citizens - yes, including the Burmese Muslims - lies
> squarely with
> Naypyidaw's generals and ex-generals.
> Burma's security forces are DOING NOTHING to stop the
> killings of the Muslims.
> Fire engines are seen to leave the Muslim homes
> burning while they
> attempt to extinguish Buddhist homes in Meikhtila.
> Here is the EBO's Urgent Warning - Spread the word.
> "EBO is very concerned about recent violence in Burma –
> especially as
> there are concerns that it could turn into a Rwandan-like
> genocide.
> Please see the following information sent by a reliable
> source.
> (From Mandalay)
> Students at a madrassa in Dahattan were being evacuated in
> four cars
> yesterday. The last car did not make it to safely. The
> children
> attempted to flee and hide behind bushes etc but were caught
> and 24
> were killed.
> Pamphlets and DVDs of an anti-Muslim nature have been
> distributed all
> over in Mandalay. They show Muslims beheading those of other
> faiths
> etc. Some Buddhist monks have been preaching anti-Muslim
> sermons.
> NLD members and youth leaders are behind every anti-Muslim
> disturbance. They have formed a group of 100 vigilantes. The
> leaders
> are Dr San Hlaing, Mai Pa (woman), Tin Myo Naing, Thiha
> (released from
> Putao prison), and Tin Ko Ko (MP U Win Htain’s personal
> assistant).
> These people are absconding and U Win Htain says he does not
> know
> their whereabouts. In the recent NLD intra-party regional
> elections, a
> Muslim woman leader was elected by 61 votes but was barred
> from taking
> her position.
> Residents of Muslim neighbourhoods were evacuated under the
> protection
> of Buddhist youths who are their neighbours. They raised
> their hands
> in the photo to show that they are unarmed.
> Further details will be sent to me from the affected people
> themselves.
> (Please note that his is not an attempt to smear the NLD but
> to reveal
> what is behind the disturbances. You may substantiate this
> from other
> sources).
> ***
> I have talked on the phone to a Muslim lawyer at a safe
> place in Meiktila.
> He said the killing, burning and looting is still going on
> in Meiktila
> as well as other towns and villages. There are over a 1000
> Muslims
> taking refuge in the football field with no food. Food
> cannot be sent
> to them because of “security”.
> The death toll is 47 including 11 women, 10 madrassa
> students and 5
> teachers. The presence of the NLD MP, 88 Generation and even
> Mandalay
> Chief Minister Ye Myint seem to be of no avail. People are
> being
> killed right before them. Security personnel are doing
> nothing.
> Military security and police special branch only take video
> recordings. An investigation commission is being talked
> about.
> Fire engines only douse burning Buddhist homes, while
> Muslims homes
> are left to burn.
> The couple from the gold shop who are in police custody have
> been
> handed over to a mob.
> The lawyer compares this to the Rwandan genocide and adds
> that it
> seems to be well planned. A monk who had been arrested for
> similar
> acts in 2003 and subsequently released had been preaching
> the
> ‘cleansing of Muslims from Myanmar’ for months now. He
> is pleading for
> diplomatic missions and international organizations to come
> to
> Meiktila before it is too late.
> If you would like to be removed from or added to this list,
> please
> email
> Euro-Burma Office
> Square Gutenberg 11/2
> 1000 Brussels, Belgium
> Tel: (32 2) 280 0691 / 280 2452
> Fax: (32 2) 280 0310
> Email:
> Website:
> The aim of the Euro-Burma Office is to promote the
> development of
> democracy in Burma by assisting the Burmese democracy
> movement to
> prepare for a transition to democracy.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online