Ko Aung Zaw is not "wrong" he just needs to cite where he got the facts from - That is standard practice now, even among fiction writers - I'm not saying he needs a Ph.D. or even an MA - Don't you know how to read? - Don't put words in my mouth, I resent it - you who can't even put out your real name.
Ko Aung Zaw can one day get a honorary Ph.D. like Daw Suu for his journalism as she did for her political work - That's not the point here - the point is who said what, especially opinions, which are not facts.
According to Christine who first started the book published by Ben Rogers - Than Shwe won his wife, a widow, in a high army officer lotto - CW was doing the research for her MA thesis at a US Univ. I am not giving her full name because I don't wish to, don't think it is wise. I don't know if it is in Ben's book - go buy the book and read it.
Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--