Wednesday, June 17, 2015

For fun--Moulmein-style foodie poem in Burmese and some transliteration, transcribed in Roman script by Kyi May Kaung.

htaw putt salat te

a sain yaun

hnin zi pann ka lay kya nay yaw

hla ma hla

ahr luu kyaw ne sarr yin

ko lesterall tet mhar soe lo

sii kyo ne lair ma te lo

salat (salad) ywet ne
nwa no dain chin diip (dip) ne to sar ma lo

ko lesterall ne kair law ree (calories) daw

bair lauk tet thwwa pyee lair

ma tway wunt buu.


Called butter lettuce
like a little green rose
so pretty.

Dare not eat potato chips

as afraid my cholesterol will rise

and also not good for
my diabetes.

So ate this French onion dip

with butter


Don't dare imagine

how much my cholesterol

and caloric intake

has risen.

Kyi May Kaung.

Now you see why

1. even if you understand Burmese, it is quite challenging and tests your patience to read something in Burmese, esp. if the transliterations involve a lot of mispronunciations, which the writers do not know they are mispronouncing.

2.  Why it is difficult to translate.

3.  Why so many translations are not good.

4.  Why poetry is difficult to translate.

5.  Why it took so long to decode The Secret History of the Mongols, because it was written in Turkic language in the Mandarin script.

Have a nice day LOL as they say.


Photos show ancient Indian Brahmi script, used by Ashoka and prescurser of Tibeto-Burma languages.  (From Internet)

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