Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My book reading in the Fall--please mark on your calendar--

Special post--

Please mark on your calendars, especially if you live in the Greater D.C. area, in MD, VA or DC or points to S. and N. and/or will be visiting around that time in the Fall.

I am going to be doing a book reading on the evening of Oct 19, Monday, 2015--at a venue in MD close to the Metro or subway system.

I will "introduce" the books and read 1-3 minutes from each of my current 8 titles.

There will then be a Q and A.

You can ask me anything, from how I came up with such weird stories and characters, to if I write with a pen or on a computer, or how to self publish.

The Village Center has a big hall that seats about 50.

The event will be free and books, $5 and $10 each, for signing.

Writer David Baldacci said in a keynote address that his young daughter said, "Daddy signs books for money."


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online