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- ✨ @Alschapel 5 hours ago
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I am sure many hope it is a black hole.
Billy Bush's daughter had the most reasonable response to the infamous trump tape http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/billy-bushs-daughter-had-the-sanest-response-to-the-infamous-trump-tape_us_5922eeb5e4b03b485cb34425?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004 … via @HuffPostWomen
belligerent man in Trump hat kicked off a flight as a crowd chanted: 'Lock him up!' - http://goo.gl/news/WRpDI via http://news.google.com
Sinkhole opens outside Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach
A sinkhole just opened in front of President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate http://ti.me/2rL59OK THE ORB DEMANDS SACRIFICE
Chad Fondiller Retweeted Town of Palm Beach
The sinkhole began forming seconds after the Orb was touched.
Chad Fondiller added,
✨ Retweeted Town of Palm Beach
rare heroic sinkhole 

✨ added,

Sean Spicer wants to make it very clear there is NOT a sinkhole in front of Mar-A-Lago...
It is a Florida Swamp Center.
That's not a sinkhole that's an escape route...
Sinkhole, or portal?
My working theory: It’s a hellmouth, not a sinkhole.
Hate to be pedantic, but the Mar-a-lago sinkhole isn't *technically* a metaphor, because metaphors aren't *that* obvious.
glennwsmith Retweeted Talking Points Memo
The Sinkhole: Our New National Symbol.
glennwsmith added,
Full Frontal Retweeted Town of Palm Beach
"Give us a sign, God."
[sinkhole appears in front of Mar-A-Lago]
"Hm, can't be sure that's anything."
Full Frontal added,
Peter Stevenson Retweeted Town of Palm Beach
The swamp is draining?
Peter Stevenson added,
US Summons Turkey Envoy Over DC Clashes During Erdogan Visit