Kyi Kaung @KyiKaung
7 minutes ago
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Queen holds minute's silence at garden party for victims of Manchester blast
Buckingham Palace to be under military armed guard - http://goo.gl/news/yVNv6 via http://news.google.com
Trump tells Duterte of two US nuclear subs in Korean waters: NYT - http://goo.gl/news/uaClP via http://news.google.com
T. tells Duerte of 2 US nuclear subs in Korean watrs NYT http://reut.rs/2qOyvyb via @Reuters
there he goes again divulging intel looselips
World stocks slip on China downgrade, ahead of Fed minutes http://reut.rs/2q9jdFg via @Reuters
The 6 million people the White House believes can balance its budget - http://goo.gl/news/bJC1n via http://news.google.com
6 m ppl W H belvs can balnce budgt http://goo.gl/news/bJC1n via http://news.google.com
fishy assmptns how'll he get uneplyd emplyd no ans
Clinton slams Trump's budget: 'An unimaginable level of cruelty' - http://goo.gl/news/ikdQI via http://news.google.com
Man with knife arrested at Buckingham Palace as Changing of the Guard is cancelled - http://goo.gl/news/Keo5m via http://news.google.com
Manchester attack: Three more arrests in bomber investigation - http://goo.gl/news/7lOiw via http://news.google.com
Trump's budget cuts children's health insurance program - http://goo.gl/news/hG3QZ via http://news.google.com
Landslide buries California's scenic highway near Big Sur - http://goo.gl/news/ggLg1 via http://news.google.com
Fox retracts controvrsl story on Seth Rich's death alleged WikiLeaks contct - http://goo.gl/news/mrRct via http://news.google.com
Trump praises Duterte for 'unbelievable job' cracking down on drugs in the Philippines http://politi.co/2qjkmWf via @politico
Man with knife arrested at Buckingham Palace as Changing of the Guard is cancelled http://www.businessinsider.com/changing-of-the-guard-cancelled-parliament-lockdown-manchester-attack-2017-5 … via @bi_politics
Duterte says he had to declare martial law to fight ISIS in Mindanao - http://goo.gl/news/6gpik via http://news.google.com
Trump's budget cuts children's health insurance @CNN
The Latest: Trump says meeting with Pope was “honor” - http://goo.gl/news/kxRlj via http://news.google.com
Ability is like a check, it has no value unless it is cashed.
Why does night fall but never break and day break but never fall?
John Maynard Keynes: Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.
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