Wednesday, May 03, 2017

My short story FGM

My fictionl exploratn of FGM or Female Genital Mutilation

works consulted in biblio. at back of book, not a report.

This is FICTION, of CREATIVE NON-FICTION, i.e. all the characters are fictional and so are the incidents.

But the FACTS about FGM are REAL.

Many people confuse or cannot differentiate fiction and non-fiction.

I mention this because one commentator "Briana" apparently wanted this to be a full scale factual report and said it was "not well written."

Well, novels and short stories are not pol. sci, or social science reports.

They are designed to draw you in through the story and the fictional characters.

Some public figures, e.g  President of the USA may be real.

Others are not,

That is the whole point of fiction.

THEN, when your interest is aroused, go read more.

This post is also addressed to my not very well read friend who "graduated" from working in a cheesecake factory to living in a Princeton suburb.

She said she did not understand (difference between) fiction and non-fiction.

As she asked me this as we stepped into Princeton Public Library I could only explain briefly.

She tends to be loud and I can't hear so I am a bit loud.

Enough said.


Lester Holt is moving to Dateline--thank goodness--