Thursday, June 05, 2014

Found rare photo of my writer cousin Min Shin--

Found rare photo of my favorite writer cousin.

I only have one cousin who is/was a writer Ko Ko --Ko Min Shin/U Win Maung--

in the family he was known as "brown"-skinned, as his younger brother, the model for Black Rice, was so fair and handsome, but now I see he was very good looking too.

Thank you Saung Lu Lin for finding this--you made my day, and year/s.

This really must be my lucky Year of the Horse. KMKaung 6-5-2014
  • You and 
    San San Tin-- I didn't know he's your cousin. Met him in Rangoon. I see now he's Kauk-nyin-nga-cheik
  • Kyi May Kaung When? did you meet him--he is NOT Kauk-nyin-nga-cheik-- who is based on his brother. He looks just like his mother, my aunt Daw Daw Chaw "Pretty Lady" also in Black Rice.
  • Kyi May Kaung So good looking, if I say so myself.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online