Thursday, June 26, 2014

My review of Tristine Rainer's Your Life as Story--

My review of Tristine Rainer's Your Life as Story, just left on Amazon site.

More than a how-to book, that will cause you to look deep within yourself.

I first read Rainer's book when I was starting to write an autobiographical novel, then called Portfolios of Hot Air, about my hard time in the international broadcasting arena and the Burmese exile community overseas.  I found a few chapters too painful after I had written them, to continue, and so went on and wrote what I called then Burmese Rebel, which became my novel Wolf, soon to be published.
I really thank the leader of our small writing group for recommending Your Life as Story, and have re-read it more than once.
I still don't think I can write a straight memoir, but I do think Rainer's book will help you resolve what may be holding you up.  In my case it was what happened around the time of early adolescence to me, and my father's death.  Rainer emphasizes by drawing fearlessly from examples in her own life, how to face your own demons.  Right up there with John Gardner, in my opinion and a Bible to keep, for writers.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online