Monday, December 30, 2013

Beware--sex and human traffickers are kidnapping your kids

Human and sex trafficking-it doesn't just happen to other people!!

Very distressing program on Diane Rehme Show on NPR today- about human trafficking, recruiters using the Malls and even in Fairfax, Virginia, as well as Facebook and other social media.
Many teenagers, even US citizens have become victims.  A kind of "equal opportunity crime."
Some of my friends told me also of a young man who "got in with the wrong people" and disappeared in Thailand.
The NGO people advised being aware who your children are talking to on FB.

My advice to you--cut back on impulse buying, vacations, clothes--doo dads--

have your money in safe havens like short term or stepped CDs (Certificates of Deposit)--FDIC insured- Trump will hit everyone, even if you...