Sunday, December 22, 2013

More on blog hits -

My blog is

hits -Yesterday - 431

Total cumulative 279,554.

One week (last week) largest # of hits from within the USA at over 430.

To be frank, sometimes I don't even try, as FB is easier, or more addictive, but I don't get 400-550 hits a day on FB!  When I try, my Blog has maxed at over 600 hits per a day.

So I really think I should pay more attention to my Blog, don't you? 

The only thing is, though I know the aggregative (stupid FB does not know what aggregate is- total-stupid!) figures for my blog, unlike FB, I don't know who exactly is reading my blog, and there are few comments.  Also, at the time I set it up, I was so disgusted with so many asinine "comments" or attacks on Irrawaddy, Mizzima and DVB, that I set it up so I cannot respond to anybody.  One was jumping mad from some small d-- who asked (Why do you put Ph.D. behind your name?  And another was, "Why are your suggestions for the Burmese economy so simple?  At the level of Ecos. 101?)

Maybe I should turn off instant messaging on FB, but I don't want to do it just yet.

I do find I resent people who "float in" and start trying to start up a conversation, mostly at the wrong time.

Usually, I am not in the mood for chit chat that goes nowhere.  Most times are the wrong time for me.  I don't want to be rude but --

Like my much loved mentor said, "State what you want, what you mean up front, don't beat about the bush."


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online