Saturday, December 14, 2013

Call for articles on Asian restaurants in USA --

From: Frank Conlon <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP Asian Cuisine Restaurants in the U.S.edited volume
Date: December 13, 2013 2:32:30 PM EST
Reply-To: H-Net list for Asian History and Culture <H-ASIA@H-NET.MSU.EDU>

December 13, 2013

Call for chapter proposals: Asian Cuisine Restaurants in the United
States for edited volume
Ed. note: From the text of the proposal, it would appear that "Asian"
does not include South Asian establishments.               FFC
From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>

CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Asian Cuisine Restaurants in the United States
Call for Papers Date: 2014-06-01

Date Submitted: 2013-11-12
Announcement ID: 208478

CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Asian Cuisine Restaurants in the United States

Edited by Bruce Makoto Arnold, Tanfer Emin Tunc, and Raymond Chong.
We invite proposal submissions for a forthcoming edited collection that addresses Asian cuisine restaurants in the United States. This volume welcomes interdisciplinary perspectives from fields including, but not limited to, history, anthropology, critical and cultural theory, American Studies, Asian American Studies, and foodways.

Some possible topics could include:

* General histories
* Histories of specific restaurants
* The politics of Asian cuisine restaurants in the United States
* An analysis of marketing used to attract customers
* An analysis of specific restaurant chains and the acceptance of
    restaurants such as P.F. Chang's, etc.
* Kosher/Halal Asian American restaurants
* An analysis of the Asian restaurant delivery industry
* Fast food/take out, menus, cookbooks, place mats (ephemera) ?
    Formal and informal dining aesthetics
* Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, Thai, Vietnamese, Southeast
    Asian Cuisine
* The social implications of Asian restaurants on American culture
* The social implications of American culture on Asian restaurants
* A study of the lives of those who work in or who own Asian or
    Asian-themed restaurants

Prospective authors should submit a 500-word abstract, outlining their proposed topic and approach, and a brief biographical sketch to: Bruce Makoto Arnold, Tanfer Emin Tunc, and Raymond Chong at by June 1, 2014.

Invitations to submit a full-text draft of 6,000-8,000 words for consideration in the edited volume will be made based on abstracts. If selected, the full-text draft will be due October 31, 2014.

Please distribute this to individuals who might be interested in taking part in this project.

Bruce Makoto Arnold, Tanfer Emin Tunc, and Raymond Chong

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online