Sunday, December 15, 2013

Saw the remake The Sound of Music Live - from NBC -

Saturday I watched The Sound of Music Live, the remake of The Sound of Music.  Right now, since I don't have cable TV, NBC is the only channel I can watch, with the exception of reruns and old movies, but it does not bother me.
At first I turned up the sound because I saw the nuns, and I thought it was one of my favorites, Agnes of God.  But then the nuns were singing and I hoped it wasn't Nunsense, which I have seen live in a New Jersey park.
At first I thought Carrie Underwood's voice was a bit scratchy and I thought like my x, I might prefer Julie Andrews.
In the first part of the movie, the actor playing von Trapp is very stiff and one dimensional.  But the Nazi threat is better fleshed out and portrayed than in the original movie, I think.
The ones who hope to lap up to the new regime and sit it out are truly despicable.
I don't know why the original was made so sugary.
I am not sure I liked The King and I without the music.
Here, I think the casting is very good, though obviously for singing ability.
I liked the beautiful love song Edelweiss the best, I think. 
All in all it was pretty good, and a beefed up and more sturdy Sound of Music, though I still wish it were a bit less stagy, as it is a movie, after all.
The escape looked too set up, especially with the lanterns.
I will try and look for the original book, as this may be one story that has been reworked too often.
Kyi May Kaung  12-15-2013

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