Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Something clicked -

Something clicked.

In Peters and Waterman's book, In Search of Excellence, about entrepreneurs who succeed and those who don't (for instance, there was one Dupont brother who wanted to stay with the gunpowder? mill at the manager level) -- they mention the "wild ducks" or innovators in many corporations.  They also talk about the man who invented fiber glass skis.

After he had made n skis and the nth one also snapped, something snapped in him also.

I've got to that point.

Kyi May Kaung --

My advice to you--cut back on impulse buying, vacations, clothes--doo dads--

have your money in safe havens like short term or stepped CDs (Certificates of Deposit)--FDIC insured- Trump will hit everyone, even if you...