Sunday, December 22, 2013

Splits among Burmese "democracy forces"

Ko Ko Gyi says "trust building" should be done first, not re-writing the (so-called) constitution as Daw Suu says now.

This article by Aung San Aye points out who said what when, and who did not say what when, and criticizes everyone, incld Daw ASSK. 

Points out Ko Ko Gyi's alleged racism, Daw S saying "it was a smoke bomb" without knowing (at Kyaukpadaung-- it has now been ascertained by independent analysis of evidence overseas that it was white phosphorus.  At least 6 months ago, the monk was still suffering from his burns recd last year when junta raided sleeping demonstrators)

This article is highly recommended by Ko Nyo, Aye Aye Soe Win and me --

my comment -

It's well known in past junta tried to solicit MKN to criticize Daw S.  When that failed they re-imprisoned him.  Do you think Generation 88 would be traveling all over like this without an "understanding" with Thein Sein??  Besides "confidence building or trust building" can be done at the same time as re-writing the constitution.  Do you think they will re-write??  The sun will sooner rise in the west!  This is all junta working to split the "democracy forces." In actuality, each individual is just working for himself or herself.  As the author of this piece says, there are no coincidences in politics.

kmk 12-22-2013

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online