Tuesday, December 10, 2013

From James Michener's novel Mexico --

From James Michener's Mexico - p. 40-41
A seed bull is brought from Spain to sire more bulls for the bullfights--

The truck backed slowly toward a gate leading to the corral.  Dust rose from the wheels to envelop an enormous iron-banded cage whose sides were solid oak, yet all were fascinated by it and looked at nothing else .  .  .

The dust must have infuriated the great seed bull inside, for he was at the end of a journey that had started in distant Andalucia, and had included trucks, boats, barges, trains and now trucks again.

With demonic force the unseen bull attacked his prison, and the huge oaken box shivered and its iron bands seemed to stretch.  .  .

.  .  .

he chose to strike the downhill side, and before anyone could warn of the danger, the box tipped and caught the matador Anselmo Leal between its sharp edge and the stone wall of the corral.  He gave one cry of terror, and then the great unseen bull corrected the accident by lunging at the opposite side .  .  .

Anselmo lived for four more years, but his chest had been crushed and he never again faced the bulls.  Veneno supported him with the good money he made as Mexico's leading picador, and at Anselmo's funeral in 1937, most of the leading bullfight figures of Mexico and some from Spain attended.

The ineffectual matador, killed by a bull safely encased in a cage, left only one wish, that he be buried in his wife's city of Seville, in southern Spain, but the dislocations of the Spanish civil war prevented this, and he was sent to a grave in Puebla, a city he had not liked.

James Michener, Mexico.

Some people think he included too much of the bullfight in this novel.  I don't think so.
What do you think?

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
