Saturday, December 21, 2013

Short little rifle --

c. 1994, Philadelphia, USA.

The very first dissident from the jungle that I met to me:

"Sayama (Teacher)--Would you like to join us in the Revolution in the jungle?  I can find you a short little rifle."
It took me some time to realize he wasn't joking.
It was around this time also that I first met Khin Ohmar and Poe Ziwa, when they came to make a presentation through Amnesty International.

My Pol. Sci. mentor Prof. Henry Teune told me about the event.

Kyi May Kaung  12-21-2013


My advice to you--cut back on impulse buying, vacations, clothes--doo dads--

have your money in safe havens like short term or stepped CDs (Certificates of Deposit)--FDIC insured- Trump will hit everyone, even if you...